
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Dad's Day!

It's Father's Day today, and while I've never understood why there is an annual day dedicated to Mums and Dads, it gave me a reason to spend the entire day with my parents. My Dad is the coolest dad in my eyes and he's adored by many. He is a favourite uncle and granduncle to my cousins and my cousins' children. Why? Simply because he's not at all temperamental (unless majorly provoked) and he cracks jokes with all of them like friends do. Perhaps that's his special way of staying young-at-heart.

And because my dad is so simple, I didn't have to worry about taking him to the fanciest restaurants or buying him a cake from bakeries that aim to make money from such occasions. I took him for a simple lunch at Fong Lye at Sunway Pyramid and he enjoyed it just the same.

How many people in their late 20s can say that they enjoy spending time with their dads? Very few, I bet, if any at all. Well, I'm happy to announce that I'm a part of the minority. As this day wraps up, here's wishing all fathers a Happy Father's Day, and especially so to my beloved Dad.
My Dad and I at my Melaka birthday celebration. Picture from Instagram

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