
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mum's "Popek Saturday" Birthday Dinner Party

Exactly one week after my birthday was my Mum's birthday. Like mine, 14th May 2013 fell on a Tuesday, so we celebrated on the Saturday before at Alexis, Bangsar Shopping Centre.

Violet came up with the "Popek Saturday" theme, coz we all like to talk so much. When both families come together, we make hell of a noise! So to be in sync with the theme, I DIY-ed some photobooth props to add cheer to the dinner party :)

Because "popek" means chatterbox, I downloaded various lip and moustache shapes from the internet, printed them and stuck them to disposable chopsticks. I even made a "welcome" signage to be placed on the table. This is event planning on a budget.

I love the tiramisu at Alexis! Nobody makes them as soft and nutty as they do :) Do you like my gigi jongang photo prop?

 Honestly, I think the highlight of the dinner was my photo props, rather than the food... lol!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me and Happy 1st Anniversary to My Blog!

I turned 30 about a week back, and boy, what a celebration that I've had! Now I truly know why turning the big 3-0 is such a BIG deal. Weeks and weeks of eating and parties started on Labour's Day eve with a bunch of crazy friends, then dinner with the family and then Sunday roast with the hubby. These are the people that I'm glad I have in my life - people who love me, and whom I love in return. Moments like these make me feel that I'm so blessed. Plus the long weekend for Election Day made it all the more worthwhile...

On another note, congratulations to me! I started this blog in May (after my 29th) last year to document all the stuff I did and will do, and I'm glad I've been able to maintain it for a year now, though not as regularly as I'd like. Scout's honour - I will try to make it more consistent :)

Labour's Day eve dinner and party with gorgeous girls Pam, Rachel, Vanessa, Christina, Wai Ling, Fiona at Ciccio and later on at Establishment at Changkat:

Saturday dinner at Lima Blas Nyonya Restaurant along Jalan Mesui with family. So in love with the old skool decor:

Sunday Roast with my favourite man in the whole wide world at Albion, also somewhere around Changkat:

 Next celebration will be in Da Nang to cap it all off! It will be epic! Stay tuned :)